Monday 19 December 2011

reasons why i fall in love with pokmey?

1. Never fails to make me laugh. Always tell me funny jokes, stupid jokes. XD
2. Very the manja. 
3. Very mengada-ngada one. but dia yang lebih layan kerenah mengada-ngada aku. :p
4. He loves to play with my fingers. kdg2, my fingers buat korek hidung dia. Rasa nak tumbuk jew.
5. I love the way he merajuk. ololo, so cute. tp aku x pandai nak pujuk dia. rasa sedih bila dia lama merajuk.
6. He's full of surprises.
7. Give me a nice necklace. hihi :p
8. He's so cute macam teddy bear. haha. *geli aku. :p
9. He's patient guy.
10. He calls me anywhat he likes. *gila
11. Selalu tanya aku kalau nak kemana-mana, 'boleh ker idokk?'.  Alahai, good job!
12. Ugly face. :p
13. Tak pernah puji aku. HODOH SANGAT KER AKU NIE? *bodoh betul. haha
14. Selalu cakap kat aku, 'benda yang menentukan kebahagiaan adalah kejujuran, keikhlasan dan setia. *walaupun aku suka tipu. :p
15. Always call me, mekyaa putu halba, gedik, gila and manymore. Rasa nak cubit jew dia.
16. Short man. *walaupun aku sukakan lelaki tinggi, yang aku cinta lelaki pendek nie jugak. haha jangan marah pokmey. just kidding. :p
17. Suka sangat tarik hidung aku.
18. Suka tarik sanggul aku.
19. Very garang. *tak berani nak buat perangai. -..-
20. He's kind.
21. Kitorang selalu gaduh. Gaduh manja kot. haha
22. Penyayang.
23. Always berada disisi aku.
24. Suka dengar cerita aku. whoaaah. :)
25. Layan perangai aku yang immature. hihi
26. Dekati aku ketika aku emotional x tentu pasal. *ketika dtg bulan. hahaha
27. Selalu mengalah kalau aku salah ataupun tak. :p
28. even if i tell i hate him, he's never letting go of me.
29. leave me a messages before sleep.
30. sing to me no matter how horrible his voice. *suara macam katak laa. :p
31. Introduce me to friends as me your beloved girlfriends. hihi, rasa bangga kot. :B
33. play with my hair, and wrestle with me.
34. treat me the same around he's friends as him do when i'm alone.
35. let me take as many pictures as i wants.
36. Dance. music rock and roll playing. haha, goyang kepala yg gila-gila.
37. take long hang out till night with me.
38. play fight with me, and always let me win. haha, horayyy. :p
39. loyalty. *yeker? haha
40. He loves me so much. :*

- Past is past and you always make me happy. Disebabkan happy, awaklah yg ubati kesedihan sy. Thank you sbb syg sy dgn keikhlasan hati. ngeh3. XP Happy 1 months anniversary, Muhammad Aiman. 

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